Monday, November 11, 2013

a moment of silence, or, a poem for Lisa Noel

a moment of silence is more
than just a moment of peace
it's a moment of connection
between life and infinity
for as much and as long as we talk
silence will continue long after and long before
so it's moments of silence which
transport us into the past and the future
a present moment of connection running
amidst generations into

This Is Not A Suicide Note

I would much rather have been
a figment of some child's imagination
on a kindergarten playground
than a living, breathing person.

Life would have been so much
more worth living.

Or maybe I am,
In which case,
I prefer the other.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Circle of Life

There's a moment
in the movie theatre
You're both sitting there
your hands slowly
creeping to each other
Your eyes shift down
looking and waiting
Until finally one hand
reaches up and grabs the other
You both let out a sigh
A smile on your face

There's a moment
before the question
You listen about their feelings
their knees slowly
giving into gravity
Your eyes shift down
looking and waiting
Until finally a question
reaches your ears
You let out a sigh
unable to speak
Your head nodding

There's a moment
under the altar
You stare into each other's eyes
smiling as you do
There is no notice of
anyone around
Until finally the statement is made
celebration erupts
You share a kiss

There's a moment
before the document is signed
You sit in separate rooms
your hands holding fists
Your eyes shift down
looking at the litigation
Until finally the lawyer
reaches a settlement
You let out a sigh
jaws clenched
wondering what now

There's a moment
when you're alone
Illness has befallen you
There is no hand to hold
no eyes to gain reassurance
Instead you sit
Until finally you no longer
You arrive at your only consolation
You let out a breath
no smile to be found

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Special Time of Night

There’s a special time of night.
When the stars congregate.
They come together for the ritualistic
consecration of the night sky.
In that time, you can see everything.
You can see infinity.
You can see beyond.
Everything in those short few moments
is expressed by an entranced glance into the night sky.

Then, the stars disperse to their respective galaxies.
Their own universes and worlds.
But those of us lucky enough to see that moment are forever changed.
We realize that there is always something more
that we cannot see.
We find the greatness and vastness within ourselves.
Our own stars come together for a brief moment
and we search for all of them to return again.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Traveler's Lament

There’s nothing that I really want
As I sit on this bench, awaiting the dawn.
The cold air welcomes my heart
Into a place I’ve easily loved
Yet so longingly dreaded

I have traveled many lively paths
Each one creasing my forehead a little deeper.
I have jumped upon rocks for entertainment,
Each one making my knees a little knobbier.
The gyms I have jungled
Leave my hands a little more weathered,
And my eyes a bit glazed.
My mouth still hangs slightly open
From the plants that have wet my lips.

When he came, wearing that grave suit I had been looking for,
And found me on the doorstep.
He asked me, “If you could travel in time –
Where would you want to go?”

“I travel all the time.
And as far as anywhere to go,
There’s nothing that I really want.”

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Homebody Dreams of Home

She lumbers in the parking lot
Gazing at the space
Entranced by the stars
Engulfed by the vastness
Wondering if she’ll ever get the chance
To be with her beloved
Amidst the Milky Way

He blue skirt and floral blouse
Looking less disheveled than usual
As she staggers back to take in the emptiness
The black velvet wish she’s painted for herself
She remembers her first kiss
Among the heavens

It was thirty years ago,
Yet the vividity of the abduction
Still pulses her imagination
With excitement

Her first and only love
Not even human.
She became enrapt
With light
Being drawn toward the curiosity,
The prospect.
Like a puppy to a lake.
Not sure if they’ll drown,
Only knowing that exploration
Is mandatory.

She remembers, through a haze – a Ketamine-like blur
The view of herself
Above her.
The mysterious charts and graphs
Marking the major parts
Of the terrestrial, extra carefully.
The stars, perfectly dazzling
Formed sequences of once familiar shapes
Orion’s sword, she thought she saw
The Gemini twins, now wielded by her abductor,
Slices her clothes off.

Her eyes full of nothing but wonder
At her lucky circumstance.
The alien does not like this.

She see lights, once again, in the distance;
Though, the colors seem different.
She’s escorted to a car,
Where the men in suits
Tell her she’s diluted,
She’s fantasized this event.

All the while transfixed
On the empty space
Of her future home.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We shuffled into the room,
Mimicking our guides in our head;
As if they couldn't read our faces;
Blindly echoing the disheartened cries
Of our predecessors
Until, at last, we saw the light
Emblazoned with wrath for no crime at all.

We instructed our children to hide
Like turtles forced to become hermits
But, they too were moths being escorted
Into the furnace - that pit of no return.
In this, the dawn and dusk of their time,
Always playing hide and seek,
Never to be found again.

We see the trench - that treacherous wasteland
To which we will unwillingly be united.
We squirm, we screech; a shriek, a screech of shrill voices
We have never since meant as we do now
"Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam