Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Traveler's Lament

There’s nothing that I really want
As I sit on this bench, awaiting the dawn.
The cold air welcomes my heart
Into a place I’ve easily loved
Yet so longingly dreaded

I have traveled many lively paths
Each one creasing my forehead a little deeper.
I have jumped upon rocks for entertainment,
Each one making my knees a little knobbier.
The gyms I have jungled
Leave my hands a little more weathered,
And my eyes a bit glazed.
My mouth still hangs slightly open
From the plants that have wet my lips.

When he came, wearing that grave suit I had been looking for,
And found me on the doorstep.
He asked me, “If you could travel in time –
Where would you want to go?”

“I travel all the time.
And as far as anywhere to go,
There’s nothing that I really want.”